Saturday, March 14, 2020

Hospital Corporation of America Mission

Hospital Corporation of America Mission The name of the organization is ‘Hospital Corporation of America’, which is abbreviated as HCA. This name comes from the organization’s vast investments. It is apparent that the corporation owns and operates numerous hospitals. Thus, it covers a large national market share.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Hospital Corporation of America Mission specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Evidently, the name of the organization is straightforward; thus, individuals can easily understand it. This quality determines an organization’s popularity in the industry. Incase an organization uses identities that are hard to understand, only a few individuals will associate with it. It is appropriate for an organization to adapt a name that portrays the services it offers. For example, ‘National Hospital Corporation’ of America reveals that this organization deals with Medicare. HCA’s mission is the caring and improving of people’s lives through the provision of high eminence and cost effectual Medicare. This mission helps in motivating both employees and clients who seek the services of the corporation. It is evident that this mission statement is the reason behind the excellent services provided by different hospitals operated by this corporation. It is noteworthy that for an organization to succeed, it must have a mission statement. This acts as the guideline to the management and employees of that organization. The organizations vision is making Medicare easily accessible in communities (HCA, 2011). HCA is a privately owned company that operates medical facilities. Moreover, it is a profit making entity because it charges for the medical services it offers. The company has no one owner because a group of physicians founded it in 1960’s. A Chairman and C.E.O manages this institution. In addition, the company administration comprises of a president who is also the chief financial officer. The corporation has a huge market share evident by the large number of medical facilities that it operates. It is apparent that it has more than 170 facilities, which makes it one of the largest corporations in America. This means that it has employed many workers who foresee its daily operations. Thus, the institution has employed approximately 183,000 workers in its 170 facilities and in the community as community workers.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is evident that HCA hires qualified professionals in accordance to the job specification. Furthermore, it also trains medical students under the internship programs. Most importantly, the corporation employs a significant proportion of workers in the private sector (Casenotes CLB, 2009). According to Kleber (2001), the corporation has its headquarters in Nashville in the sta te of Tennessee. However, the institution has one hundred and sixty four hospitals and one hundred and six surgery facilities in 20 states in the United States of America and Britain. It is evident that this arrangement has ensured the institution provides adequate services to the community. Analysts believe that the spreading of the institution’s facilities has brought services close to the community. Most importantly, the 183,000 employees that HCA has hired are highly qualified. This is because even though these individuals have gone through training in school, HCA ensures it gives them more training to enable them acclimatizes with the operations at the institutions. HCA was initially a domestic institution, but currently it has expanded to Britain. Thus, it is an international organization. Its status as an international organization has increased clients confidence in the institution’s services. It is apparent that institutions that extend beyond the borders appe al more to the consumers than domestic ones. This is because they believe this arrangement comes with personnel that are more qualified. Thus, it is obvious that the services offered are of high quality. HCA has managed to surmount the challenges that engulf international organizations. This is because it has an excellent management structure. Frist Wilson (2003) reveals that the history of the organization dates back to 1960 when ‘Dr.Thomas Frist Sr’ and his physician friends formed the park view hospital. This hospital operated well except for a few financial difficulties that it faced. Thus, Thomas and his friends started the search for a group that would manage the hospital. The most important function of this group was to provide finances for the growth of the hospital.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Hospital Corporation of America Mission specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In 1968, Thomas and two other physicians namely jack Massey and first Jr decided to form their own company called Hospital Corporation of America (HCA). HCA expanded with time by bringing together and managing a group of hospitals in the U.S. Its main aim was to provide quality services to the population. It is apparent that it succeeded in its initial mission because it worked closely with local physicians. The company then rapidly expanded, constructing hospitals in under privileged communities and accepting to manage hospitals owned by other companies and individuals. Its monetary resources, administration proficiency, and medical milieu enabled it to perform its duties excellently. It is noteworthy that the company focuses on a core set of excellently performing hospitals. In 1969, the hospital had eleven hospitals, which operated under its management and guidance. By the end of the same year, the hospital had twenty-six hospitals with a bed capacity of 3000. What followed a rapid growth, as the busine ss expanded until it attained operating revenue of twenty four billion dollars by 1981. In 1993, HCA acquired Medicare America and other health care ventures. As a result, the company augmented its market share. Today it is one of the largest businesses in America, as it provides many jobs to citizens. Moreover, it serves many clients. References Casenotes, Casenote Legal Briefs (CLB). (2009). Health Law Furrow Greaney Johnson Jost Schwartz 6th Edition. New York, NY: Aspen Publishers Online. Frist, W Wilson, S. (2003). Good people beget good people: a genealogy of the Frist family. Maryland, MD: Rowman Littlefield. HCA. (2011). Hospital Corporation of America. Web. Kleber, J. (2001). The encyclopedia of Louisville. Kentucky, KY: University Press of Kentucky.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

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